Story: Giselle, an exiled girl from the magical kingdom Andalasia, relocates her family from New York City to a suburb in search of a 'happily ever after life.' On an impulse, she uses magic to create a fairy tale life only to discover that magic can turn on you and that happiness is what one makes of it
Review: Some stories lose relevance with time. ‘Disenchanted,’ a sequel to the popular fairy tale comedy film ‘Enchanted’ (2007), is a case in point. Featuring Amy Adams, who is still breaking into song frequently, this film is visually prettified and superficially developed to be interesting or funny. It eventually feels outdated and out of place.
When it was released in 2007, ‘Enchanted’ featured Amy Adams in a dramedy-musical that joked at the concept of fairy tales and good princesses. She played Giselle, a Miss Goody Two-Shoes, wrongfully exiled through a portal by an evil queen to New York City. A complete misfit in this world, she has to leave her song-heavy reality behind. From her animated kingdom with birds and animals and tons of flowers, she befriends pigeons and small animals in the city parks and finds a prince charming while sustaining her silly overdose of joy. ‘Enchanted’ had the tone of an inside joke, making a children’s film accessible and entertaining for all.
This time around, Adams reprises her role as Giselle, the beautiful mother of two girls. She is the stepmother to Morgan (Gabriella Baldacchino) and has a babbling baby cooing in a pink-and-pastel pram. Her husband, Robert (Patrick Dempsey), is a lawyer. They live in a cramped New York City apartment, a setup that in itself is ridiculous, for their home on Fifth Avenue, is a rare luxury for countless people in the Big Apple. Giselle seeks to build the problem-free, uncomplicated life of ‘happily ever after’ that everyone has taught her about in Andalasia, her magical home. She is determined to create a fairy tale life where Morgan isn’t being a ‘teenager’- read moody and sarcastic—and is unhappy to move out of NYC. They move to the New York suburban town of Monroeville, having bought a ramshackle, small castle-like house, which they call a fixer-upper but has many teething troubles. When the reigning king and queen of Andalasia (James Marsden and Idina Menzel) pay her a visit and gift the baby girl a Wand of Wishes, Giselle gets hold of it to hit reset. She wishes that their lives in Monroeville—a squeaky clean, boring suburbia—would turn into a fairy tale with a happily ever after.
Once her wish is granted, Giselle finds herself transforming into a wicked stepmother in a technicolor castle with singing village women; but now, Morgan lives like her maid in an attic, and her husband is out seeking adventure with a sword. She has hexed herself, turning the world around, and finds out that the fairy tale existence in Monrolasia is not hunky dory or nice.
In an additional track that feels like an afterthought during writing, there’s another wicked woman in town. A socialite, Malvina Monroe (since this is Monroeville, she inherits natural clout), played by Maya Rudolph, wants to be on top of everything in town. She likes to control and judge and has two rather annoying lackeys, who steal wands and take down cupcakes at her command. Even as Giselle resists her transformation into a cruel, wicked stepmother, bringing some of the movie’s most entertaining moments, eventually evil takes over. And the final part is about Giselle and Malvina warring it out for control and to be the evil and commanding social queen of Monrolasia.
Like the prequel, ‘Disenchanted’ also tackles clichΓ©s and the inherent problems that they bring to our collective understanding. Fairy tales need princesses and queens, bringing in social inequality; stepmothers have to be cruel and unloving, pandering to popular stories. Men have to go out to fight and look for adventure, giving them an air of uselessness. Meandering through these undertones and subtle remarks about fairy tales, to an average, Broadway-inspired musical score by Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz, the film attempts to be sarcastic about the popular perception of happiness, the kind that fairy tales make up. However, its lax writing makes its attempts at humour fail. Adam Shankman, the director of ‘Hairspray’ and ‘Rock of Ages’, is off-tone here; which is why the film drags out without depth or focus on developing its characters.
‘Disenchanted’ is for those who liked ‘Enchanted’ and want to watch the prolific Amy Adams in a light-hearted role.
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